Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Pride will always make me think that the sermon was for someone else

Pride always makes us critique church or the basis of what I got rather than what I gave.

Pride makes me think of myself first and others second.

Pride always makes me look for my name on a list, always look for my face in a picture and always look for my presence at a party.

Pride always makes me compare myself to others, excusing my failures while condemning theirs.

Pride makes me sensitive to how I look, how I feel and always defensive about what I do.

My pride also makes me expect special treatment, want to be in control, think of my opinion as important and always want to be right.

We have proud attitudes pride makes us resentful and bitter.

We have proud looks, haughty looks, arrogant expressions.

We have proud words, words that are angry are proud words; belittling words, harsh words, harmful words, defiling words, thoughtless words, self-aggrandizing words.

Proud words are words that try to dominate conversations, proud words are boastful, critical and argumentative.

Pride makes me pushy with my agenda, nosy about other people’s business, a gossiper about other people’s actions.

Pride makes me competitive for my way, obsessive about my wants, compulsive for my needs and anxious always about the outcome as it relates to me.

Pride makes me want to be recognized and noticed.

Pride makes me proud of my looks, my travels, my education, my ministry, my bible knowledge, my cooking skills, my decorating skills, my social skills…or pride makes me jealous of those things in you because pride is always looking at me first.

Pride makes me resentful when disrespected while at the same time expecting recognition and respect from others.

Pride makes me discontent, restless, anxious, jealous and selectively lazy when I don’t want to do something.

Pride makes me late for you but fumes when you are not early for me.

Pride doesn’t want to wait and often pride does not even want to try for fear of failure.

Pride makes me exaggerate my work, my opinion, my needs, my wants and my plans while minimizing all of yours, and jealous if I can’t.

Pride makes me break the rules, bend the rules and impose my own rules on others while resisting all of your rules.

Pride makes me resistant and hesitant and belligerent with others ideas and leadership, because I always want my own way.

Pride makes me hold a grudge against you and want to get even while forgetting my similar failures…and then getting angry when you get even with me.

Pride always remembers wrongs, always thinks it deserves better and always wants more.

Pride makes me cover my sins while seeing others faults first and very clearly.

Pride wants the best seat, takes the best parking place and won’t wait in line.

My pride makes me need the best clothes and buy only the finest things for myself but shop at bargain basement for you.

Pride always makes me seek the best for myself and slowly learn to not care about the needs of others.

Pride makes me think that my house is not good enough for me or that my house is better than yours. Pride makes me buy the biggest house possible and then tell everybody it is just an investment.

Pride makes me buy things I can’t afford and then find reasons not to give…and often do things that I regret.

Pride makes me love money and hate sacrifice, love praise and hate criticism, love prosperity and hate adversity.

Pride makes me peruse pleasure and avoid pain.

Pride makes me worried about what I wear, how I look and what others think.

Pride makes me never quite content with my hair color, my skin color, my body weight, my physical condition or my health.

Pride will also make me think that my hair, tan, and body is better looking than yours or become jealous if it’s not.

Pride is when I focus more on my skin than my heart, when I get focused more on my mind. When I guess focused more on my clothes rather than constantly desiring to be clothed with compassion and love.

Pride is when I focus more on my car than Christ or my house than heaven.

Pride always makes me resentful when corrected, hurt when disappointed, impatient when hindered, greedy when given choices, critical when speaking of rivals, jealous when seeing others advance in any way, untruthful when confronted and distant when slighted.

Pride will make me exaggerate my accomplishments, possessions and abilities while minimizing my faults, my weaknesses and my differences.

Pride will always make me unthankful for others sacrifice, service or gifts.

Pride will always make me irritated with others, short with those I feel superior towards and flattering towards those that can help me in some way.

Pride will make me driven with my agenda, hurries with other’s needs and impatient with life.

Pride always makes me picky, finicky, touchy, choosy, bossy.

Pride makes me jealous of the strength of youth, disdainful of the weaknesses of the elderly and incapacitated.

Pride make me secretly rejoice in other’s catastrophes and sullenly endure my own.

Pride makes me think I am vital and irreplaceable and my life is so important that I spend my life doing all I can to save my life and not lose it.

Please listen to this sermon message
by J. C. Philpot